After several minutes, Xander returned and bowed politely. “Please, come with me,” he said. He turned away and started down a corridor. Yori and Rune exchanged a look and then trailed along behind him.

As they entered, they saw a boy that appeared to be nearly the same age. White wings spread from the center of his back. One was flapping wildly, while he held the other at an odd angle. He was making pained noises.

A woman stood close at hand. She seemed to be trying to get closer to him, but was not able to do so. His flapping was threatening to do her an injury.

Yori frowned and stepped forward. “Wing cramp?” he said, his voice soft.

“Y-yes,” he said, squeezing his eyes closed. “It just…” he trailed off with a moan.

Nodding, Yori said, “Stop flapping and stretch them, then fold them slowly.” He watched for a moment, while the boy did as he’d said. Then, he smiled. “Is that better? Try stretching and folding it a few times – very slowly.”

After a moment, the boy sighed in relief and tucked his wings out of sight. “Thanks,” he said, smiling. “I’m Galen, Captain of the Stags.”