Posts tagged ‘Larissa’

shine on this life that’s burning out

“Master!” Mikal screamed. He dropped to his knees beside Captain Colonomos. As he reached for her hands, Captain Hummel blocked another attack from the same oni-like beast that had attacked her.

Floros growled in exasperation. She took up a position on Mikal’s other side. “Can you help her?” she shouted.

Mikal was already looking her over, but I didn’t have time to spare to see what exactly he was doing or to guess if he would be successful. I blocked an attack from a spider, striking its abdomen with the blunt end of my staff.

At the same moment that the spider let out a shriek of pain, I heard a cry of anguish. I spun around, just in time to see Colonomos’s body dissolve in a shower of light. Mikal clutched her empty, bloody gown to his chest. I froze for a moment.


Someone shoved me to one side and I stumbled and spun back to face the attackers. Muller shot me a grimace. “We’ll protect the women and Mikal. Get after Lady Astraea!”

I nodded once. “Be careful,” I said. I hesitated just long enough to see Muller’s nod of assent. Then I ran towards the place where Lady Astraea’s kidnappers had disappeared. I leapt over the head of Captain Hummel, as he knelt beside Mikal.

Mikal was sobbing and tears of sympathy welled in my eyes. I blinked them away and pushed myself harder. Dimitriou and Colonomos had died trying to protect Lady Astraea. I’d be fated to come back as a slug if I would let their deaths be in vain!


Comment, so I know you exist…

the promise that could not be kept is burnt deep into my chest

The pair was fairly evenly matched. Back and forth they went. Iona knocked Captain Hummel off his feet, and then he knocked her down. She knocked him down a second time and he retaliated and got her off her feet. It came down to who would outlast the other. Whoever went down next would lose the competition.

Captain Hummel looked pale. It was clear that the strain of the battle was wearing on him. He was panting loudly enough that we could hear him even from our seats. Iona growled and shoved him back. He rolled backwards, but dragged her along with him. When the came to a stop, he was on top of Iona, straddling her. He blinked at her for a moment and then looked up at Phoebe.

“Um… who won?” he asked, his voice weak and breathy.

Phoebe blinked for a moment. “I don’t believe something like this has ever happened before,” she admitted. She turned and looked up at Commander Larissa and Lady Astraea. “Commander. My lady,” she said. “What say you? Who is the victor of the wrestling competition?”


Comment, so I know you exist…

those days that will pass us by are already a distant dream

“You saw who attacked them?” Larissa said.

I flinched at her sharp tone. I looked up at her, forcing myself to make eye contact. Her eyes seemed to bore into mine the moment I did so. I swallowed thickly and nodded. “They were like… beasts,” I said, my voice faint. “Very like oni, but more frightful. They fell upon the women so suddenly that none of them stood a chance.”

“No,” Selena said. I looked up at her. Her eyes seemed to blaze with fury. “No, those women were skilled warriors. No one could take them so easily without the use of magic.” She shot Wolff a glare.

“It’s the truth,” I snapped. I tensed when she turned that fiery gaze on me. My hands balled into fists in my lap. I couldn’t back down now. I needed to be brave. I squeezed my eyes shut and said, “In the vision, they were complaining of stomach pain. They may have been ill. That might have made them… vulnerable.”

Silence greeted my words. I sighed and forced my eyes opened once more. Larissa looked shocked – horrified. Selena was frowning. She wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t questioning my words anymore.


Comment, so I know you exist…

tears cannot be forgotten as long as there is song

The sun was shining and it was comfortably warm, in spite of the early hour. It seemed as if all the Sky Maidens had turned out to see the group off. Most of all, Lady Astraea was there.

“Are you sure about this?” one woman asked, fussing with her sleeves. “I mean, you hardly know him.”

Astraea smiled and shook her head. “Really, Larissa,” she said, chuckling, “Guntar’s a sweetheart. I’ve known him since we were children.”

“But… it’s been years since you’ve seen each other,” Larissa persisted. However, Astraea wasn’t listening. Instead, she moved over to the party and began discussing things with them.

Larissa’s brows furrowed. Why was it that they were even well enough to travel? None of them should have been able to get out of bed that morning! “Not fair,” Larissa breathed. As the fanfare signaling the group’s imminent departure began, she whirled around and headed back into the building.