Following breakfast, Miriam headed back to the engineering area with Alistair. As she sat down at her console, she said, “What’s the first mate’s story? Who is he?”

“First mate: Gregory Sharp,” Alistair said, as he disappeared below. She could hear his voice echoing from within the lower section of engineering, where the machinery was. “He’s a good man, but a bit strange. Captain’s a bit wary of him, but he hasn’t made any waves since the old man passed on.”

A moment past and then Alistair poked his head out of the hold. “Anchor’s raised and we’re moving forward,” he reported.

Miriam nodded. “All right, boys,” she told the gremlins, “let’s get this ship kicked into high gear.” There were scattered chirps of excited approval, then the gremlins were scurrying around engineering. A few bounced over to the field, to add their energy to the ship’s engines and give her a boost of speed.

Once that was done, Miriam looked at Alistair. “Why is the captain wary of him?” she asked.

Alistair grimaced. “If there’s a vice a man can have, the first mate embraces it,” he said. “He gambles and drinks to excess. Mind, drinking ain’t strange on this ship, but the first mate has gotten into brawls or overslept when he’s been out drinking. He also carouses – has his women, you know? Then, there’s the rumors that it’s not always women. Those rumors are what I think makes the captain a might wary of the first mate.”

Miriam nodded. “Why doesn’t he simply dismiss Master Gregory?” she asked. The captain struck her as a bit too trusting. It wasn’t surprising, considering his youthfulness. However, she hoped it wouldn’t be his undoing.

“Old man trusted Master Gregory to have his back,” Alistair said, shrugging. “For all his faults, he’s a good one in a fight and the captain needs someone like that close, in case air pirates attack.”

Miriam nodded. “I suppose,” she mused. Then, she noticed a curious look on Alistair’s face and smiled at him. “Yes, Master Alistair?”

“Just thinking,” he said, suddenly looking very concerned. “What would you do if air pirates should attack?”

“I’m a wizard, Master Alistair,” Miriam said, smiling. “It would be the height of foolishness for a pirate to attempt to harm me. He’s liable to find himself facing the trolls in the nothing space before he’s taken more than a step in my direction.”

Alistair laughed. “I’ll bear that in mind,” he said, cheerfully. “Might be, you’ll be the one protecting me, if it comes to that.”