Here we are, at the fourth day of December, which means we have another section to add to our scarves. The color change for this day would happen at the end of Row 17, if you’re changing colors.

Ch = chain
Sc = single crochet
Dc = double crochet
Tc = treble crochet
Sk = skip

Row 17: turn, ch1, sc across
Row 18: turn, ch3, dc2, *sk1, ch3, tr, sk1, tr, sk1, ch3, dc3, repeat from * to last 5, sk1, ch3, tr, sk1, tr2
Row 19: turn, ch1, sc, *sc in tr, ch3, dc in each dc, repeat from * to end
Row 20: turn, ch3, 2dc, *ch, tr, ch, tr, ch, 3dc, repeat from * to end
Row 21: turn, ch1, sc across

This is what today's section should look like.

This is what today’s section should look like.