Sunday morning and the ninth day of December. It’s a series of very basic stitches today, but the effect is rather nice.

Ch = chain
Sc = single crochet
St = stitch
Sk = skip

Row 42: turn, ch1, sc4, *sk3, ch3, sc3, repeat from * to end
Row 43: turn, ch1, *sc3, ch3, sk ch, repeat from * to last 4 sc, sc4
Row 44: turn, ch1, sc, *sk3, ch3, sc3 around chs of previous rows, repeat from * to last 3 sc, sk2, ch2, sc
Row 45: turn, ch1, sc, sk2, ch2, *sk3, ch3, sc3 around chains of previous rows, repeat from * to last 4 sc, sk3, ch3, sc
Row 46: turn, ch1, *sc3 around chs of previous rows, ch3, sk ch, repeat from * to last 4 sc, sc4
Row 47: turn, ch1, sc across

This is how it should look today.

This is how it should look today.