Christmas Eve is finally here and we have the final section of our scarves. It’s actually the exact same thing that you did yesterday, but for the other side and opposite end. Pick up exactly where you ended yesterday.

Ch = chain
Sc = single crochet
Dc = double crochet
St = stitch
Sk = skip

Join yarn to last stitch of yesterday’s work, ch1, sc evenly down edge
Along end:
Row 1: Ch1, sc, *sk2, ch5, sc, repeat from * to end
Row 2: ch1, sc, (dc, ch2, dc, ch5, sc into 4th ch from hook, ch1, dc, ch2, dc) into ch5 space, repeat pattern in every other ch5 space, sc in last sc

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Finish off!