Yori’s hands were balled into fists. He was taking deep, even breaths and his eyes were squeezed shut. It was clear he was trying to get a handle on his emotions.

Rune sighed softly and touched his shoulder. Bright green eyes flew open and met his steady gaze. “You’re allowed to be angry, Bellissima,” he said, his voice gentle.

“You – you don’t seem angry,” Yori countered. His cheeks flushed brilliantly and he shook his head. “I’m a captain. I shouldn’t let my emotions control my actions.”

“Of course not,” Rune agreed. Then he leaned in closer and kissed Yori lightly on the cheek. “There’s a difference between feeling anger and letting it dictate your actions, Bellissima. Let it out, let it go and then move on with what needs to be done.”

“He makes me so frustrated,” Yori snapped, slapping a hand down on the smooth wooden tabletop. “He acts like he’s so much better than me, but he’s not! I’m a captain – as much a captain as he is – and he should treat me with the same respect I use towards him!”

“Absolutely,” Rune said. “I’d like to string him up by his toenails when he belittles you that way. Unfortunately, the commander would not approve.” When Yori chuckled softly, Rune smiled. “Feel better?”

Yori sighed and then blinked. “Actually,” he said, a faint smile touching his lips, “I really do!”